

These are some of the paintings that are still available for purchase here.

My lovely butterfly series are all on 8×8 gallery wrapped canvas:


And my white doves. These are all 8×8 as well.


Please feel free to contact me regarding any piece you like or have any questions about.  I’d love some feedback.


Blackbirds on my fence

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life
You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Black bird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
all your life

you were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbird fly, Blackbird fly
Into the light of the dark black night.

(Blackbird – Beatles)

Blackbirds have always been one of my favorite birds.  They are so mysterious and sometimes look menacing.  I always felt it was more like they “knew things” rather than being minions of darkness.  Most see them as pest and scavengers, but to me they seem wise, knowing, and kind of cute.




I can see myself evolving as an artist as far as style and technique but these new Blackbird paintings threw me for a loop.  I even Wow’ed myself.  I loved the freeness of the paint and silhouette of the birds and tree.  At first glance one might feel the darkness of the panting, but in reality there is more of a sense of protection and watchfulness.  That’s what I see anyway.


By the way – These Blackbirds are available for purchase.  Just go to my shop link  and send me a message….. or click here.


"8x8" Mixed Media on Canvas "Birdie 1" SOLD

"8x8" Mixed Media on Canvas "Birdie 2" $40 (+ s&h)

"8x8" Mixed Media on Canvas "Birdie 3" SOLD

I am really enjoying working on a smaller and simpler scale.  These little Birds remind me of quilts my grandmothers made and collected.  They withstood many harsh treatments by grandkids and time.  These pieces are mixed media on museum quality canvas (8x8x1.5),  so the paintings should hold up to posterity as well.



I suppose this new whimsical direction has taken flight from thoughts of decorating for the nursery.  I am a few weeks shy of being 7 months now and I can definitely see that babies and pregnancy has definitly influenced my work as of late.  For example:

"24x30" Mixed Media on Canvas "Universe" SOLD



For information on purchasing works of art please contact me at superlady@wenderflonia.com

Painting Toward the Finish Line

I love and hate completing a painting.  I find I’m already dreaming of the next masterpiece, but at the same time, have grown so attached to the current one.  I’m especially loving the latest commission painting, now in the finishing up phase, and will be so sad to see it go.  Especially since it would look so fabulous hanging on my wall!   However, I know she  is going to the best home possible and will be loved and cherished.  How silly this may sound to some, but they obviously have never poured their time, energy, and spirit into creating something with love. My creations are so meaningful to me and I put everything I have into it.  I guess this is why doing commission work is so stressful because you really do have to work to please the customer.  I just hope Stacy is pleased with her tree.  I am thinking a road trip is in order to deliver the goods.  Not only will it be cheaper than shipping, but it will be a great opportunity to catch up with good friends!  Here is a sneak peak of the big mama:



I think this will be the last of mega huge paintings for a while. The next two commission paintings I am about to start will be only medium huge (still huge in fabulousness tho).   I also have so many ideas for my upcoming work that I wish I could just lock myself up in a studio for a few weeks.

Progress in Layers

All great artists say that at one point or more every masterpiece goes through an ugly stage.  Finished Layer 3 and might have hit that stage (not the great artist stage but the ugly one;-).  However, the potential of this painting is tremendously thrilling and terrifying at the same time.


One never knows what one is going to do. One starts a painting and then it becomes something quite different.” –Pablo Picasso

Oh how wise you are Pablo!  Despite the current muddy state, I love the direction this painting is going. I just wish I had the clarity to see it further into the future!  So far, I am envisioning a wise and stately tree that is so interesting and filled with a multitude of layers.  She simply stands proud in an ambiguous environment of dark and lovely.  She seems to protect her environment and claim it as her rightful property.


Now of course you can’t see all this yet, as I’ve only posted details to tease the owner who commissioned her.  I might mention that I barely can see it myself and I’m standing in front of the darn thing, but I won’t, because that might scare her a little.  But it is there in my minds eye. Now if I can just make her sing.


Sneak Peak


One of the most joyous and challenging activities as an artist is to create a work of art for a specific person.  I’m currently working on a commissioned piece for a dear friend whom I have known my whole life.  These photos are but a mere sneak peek at the first, but definitely not the last, layer of her painting.  The main purpose of this post is to driver her mad with curiosity and to explain a little about my technique.  Being a multilayered gal, I like my paintings to have much meaning and depth.  There might even be 10 layers before I am completely satisfied.  I have decided that mixed media is the thing for me as I hate to be limited.  I typically use tons of gesso as a binding agent and tons of paper, pencils, acrylic , markers, sharpies, photos, pastel, ribbon, stickers,…..  I think the purpose of painting for me is to get as messy as possible and be amazed that something can come out of it.  I typically walk away as much a work of art as the canvas itself (it’s to irresistible to paint my feet if they are near….or the dog).  In the end, I hope to produce something that is entirely meaningful and almost unintentional. I don’t plan any of my paintings. OK, correction, I try to plan my paintings but they NEVER go the same direction I was thinking.  I  typically let my emotions and intuition guide me in what I am doing.  These photos are a few details of  Stacy’s massive piece.

IMG_5761 detail

Anyone contemplating a Wender’s original (commissioned or otherwise) for Christmas feel free to contact me, superlady@wenderflonia.com.  Orders must be placed before the end of October to ensure completion (space is limited).

Being Brave and Dreaming

Life happens so quickly that sometimes I’m running after it in a trail of dust.  These are the days that I usually want to find a warm blanket and hideout for a little while.  Yet, I must grab every opportunity for life, love, and my spirit’s journey before it is past.  If my spirit is not brave then it is hard to take flight, but when flight does happen my boundaries are endless.  As my life rapidly takes 360’s, I have no choice but to hold on and see where the ride takes me.  In doing so, I fully intend to glean every possible adventure and dream I possibly can.  I suppose this is my inspiration these days.


Spirit Be Brave

12″x24″ Mixed Media Painting on Canvas
“Spirit be Brave”  $100 (+s&h)

 12x24 Mixed Media painting on Canvas $100 (+shipping)

12″x24″ Mixed Media Painting on Canvas
“Seeking Flight”   SOLD




24x24 mixed media painting on canvas  $200 (+ shipping)

24″x24″ Mixed Media on Canvas
“She Was Dreaming”  $200 (+ s&h)

detail detail

These paintings are for sale in hopes to lends inspiration and joy to others as they have me.  Feel free to contact me via email at  superlady@wenderflonia.com.  I accept checks, paypal and major credit cards.

It’s Not The Critic Who Counts

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Theodore Roosevelt



Who really counts is the fabulous and inspiring person who paid you to do it!  Thank you Courtney.



Courtney stands by her new painting.

I fretted and worried all night and for the entire ride to meet her that she would hate it.  Which she didn’t!  We had a fabulous day celebrating her birthday by soaking in culture at the Kimball Museum, doing a little gratuitous shopping and tons of eating. I toasted the occasion with a Raspberry Martini and we had lots of cake!






I  just wanted all my massive fan following (thanks mom) to know that Wenderflonia is going through a few changes.  This is in preparation for the landslide of orders for a Wenders’ Original Painting (thanks Courtney and Stacy).  I’ve added a home page that gives you the choice to visit the artist, blog, portfolio and hopefully to shop.  Although I haven’t added anything to it yet, in the near future, the portfolio/gallery and shopping link will be a place to showcase some of my original work, and a place for purchasing a piece of your very own.  Please stay tuned, and let me know if you like (or not) the new look.  Just be aware that there is still much to be done with menus, fonts and other very serious designy, web type stuff that I haven’t a clue about (thanks BFS).

In the mean time, I am furiously putting the finishing touches on the painting I’m delivering tomorrow, and preparing to start another commissioned piece for another tremendously fabulous lady.  Could this possibly be?! A real artist is ME?! (Glad you can’t see the super cool dance I’m doing right now.)

Notes About Keeping Perspective


Another day full of creative endeavors lead me down paths I haven’t been in some time. As a young art student, I found myself under the constant scrutiny of my art professors.  Most of the time it tore me down rather than build me up, as I tended to be insecure about my talents. One of their major critiques was my lack of respect to proportion.  The ultra rebellious girl in me took that advice for what it was worth, changed my major to a less judgmental study (psychology– hahaha), and thus started my long measurement free, straight edgeless, rebellious road to ill proportion.  I can’t even remember when the last time I picked up a ruler or straight edge  to use for it’s intended purpose.

Alas, today I have come full circle.  Much to the enjoyment of my wonderfully precise and practical BFS (whom I met in those aforementioned art classes), I  bravely asked to borrow a ruler, level, angle thingy and even an eraser for my new project. We shall have to wait and see if the lines continue to walk the strait path to  perspective.


Wish the ruler good luck that I don’t abuse it too much.