Get with the busyness

This is the time of year that I get the itch to get super organized.  Cooler weather means less reluctance to do things.   The summer heat no longer represses me with an iron fist of swelteringness.   Also, October starts the months of busyness, and if I don’t clean out the hall closet now there will be chaos supreme by Thanksgiving.  I am positive of it.  Coming up we have birthdays galore, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to look forward to.  And for some reason, I am especially excited about all these things this year.   I am feeling down-right festive.  Why, I even decorated the porch for Halloween…by me I mean I went to Target and bought the stuff for Parkers to decorate with.  I hope to post some outstanding pics once we get it spooky enough.  With the purchase of a fog machine and a black light we just may have done it!   There are so so many things going on this week and next that I must must must stay on top of the photo thing!  I am so behind! Wish me luck.

OK, now to get right on top of that.  I have full confidence in myself that I wont just lie down and cuddle with the dogs and just read a trashy novel……

Mainly because that spot is already taken.

