Picture Update

It started raining and got dark before I could post final product pictures.  Although the bed is very pretty, it isn’t finished by a long shot.  Over the next month or so, once these plant babies have grown and spread, we will add exciting textures and interesting foliage to give the little garden some serious personality.  Until then, feel free to offer suggestions and ideas.  HAPPY EASTER  EVERYONE!.

4 Replies to “Picture Update”

  1. Wow, when are you gonna come save my front yard from my sad attempts at “gardening”?

    You can bring whatsisname, the guy who does the digging… 🙂



  2. Digging out grass is SUCH a pain in the shiney hiney!! Our burmuda grass takes over my front flower bed every year…not this year, by golly!!!! I WILL win the war this year!!

  3. I consulted many a gardener about our grass problem. The most effective and earth kind method seemed to be roundup. Otherwise, its constantly pulling it up. Once you “round it up” you can till it into the soil as organic matter, according to the Ag Extension office.

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