Monday Melancholia

Today just seemed like a sad and strange day. Today, I was constantly aware of the harmful tools people used to keep themselves balanced. The Biggest example if this was sitting at the Dr.’s office with Parker, where I was forced to watch some of the worst parenting skills ever. (We sat in the office lobby for an hour to have his foot, that he hurt over the weekend, looked at.) During this time, I was able to see many examples of people “stand-ins”. I call them “stand-ins” because it is too sad to even think that the parenting techniques these people employed were conscious and deliberate. It was all so very sad. Now I am a little bit angry at myself for feeling such disgust for the future of the human race.

What was even worse was a humorous, if not disgustingly ironic, realization that just a few minutes ago I was LMAO at an episode of Family Guy. The episode portrayed some of the same behaviors I was so disgusted with earlier today as laughable situations. Being that it was just a TV show, and I can mostly tell the difference between sardonic humor and a sad state of reality, makes me feel a little better. Meh, so I have the ability to appreciate dark humor. I still love the Family Guy; and I’m pretty sure it is just a TV show. I know that means it is not real. However, the parents and crazy people who infiltrated the real part of my day with their cruelty were very real and sad. The only thing I can do at the moment is to go to sleep. Then, I will wake up and try to be the best parent I can possibly be without basing my technique on late night adult situational cartoons. Hopefully.