Adios Arty Art

It seems like it was a long day across the board for most people that I talked to today.  For me it was kind of a sad day.  I’ve been giving private Art Lessons at the Abilene Music and Art Studio for about 3 years now.  However, with today’s repressed economy and everyone’s busy schedule, it was getting increasingly more difficult to schedule classes.  So today marked the end of  Arty Art with Wenders.

At least we went out in style. We had cupcakes, and even made our own  frosting by using white frosting mix, food coloring  and out expert knowledge of color mixing.  Let’s just say it’s a good thing the carpet in the studio was red!  I usually do my classes in two or 3  sessions but since it was the last day, I let the parents bring the kids early, depending on when their lesson was, and we all played “What I learned in Mizz Wenders’ Class” quiz games.

Although it was becoming difficult and frustrating to scedule time  for these classes, I will dearly miss the time with my kiddos every week.  Hopefully, someday I will have the time and freedom to do Art Lessons again.  I especially feel it is important because the Texas Educational System has really failed our children in the creative arts areas.  Somebody has to teach our children how to have creative spirits!