Where’s Wenders

True artist are sulky and reclusive…. right?  Of course this is not so easy when one has to be present for a  family but that is pretty much all I have to give artistically now.

Several weeks ago, I took an unexpectical, unintentional step back from my work and blogging.  Unfortunately it was right in the middle of a pretty busy time, and oddly during a surge of creative ideas.  Is this sabotage or sabbatical? Sabbotatical? … Tell me brain.  Tell me now!   If it was a sabbatical of sort then I spent the whole time anxious.  Even after working a few things out with my brain, I still feel nervous and blocked.  Still friends…but blocked none-the-less.

I suppose it is difficult to “create” under such conflicting feelings but I endeavor to muck through.  I’m just hoping my existential artistic crisis is winding down soon, and I stop being so dang avoidant…which is what it truly feels like.   I look at the piles in my studio and think, “no thanks”.  I see all the unfinished work and I want to work on something else.

I’m generally on the bandwagon of personal growth and triumph, but realistically I think as an artist I work better by having a few blue periods.  That’s my new excuse anyway.  There has to be something to it though…

btw it has taken me three days to do this poorly constructed blog post….just wrong brain….just wrong :-(…..

That is all,
