Works in Progress

There is a seriously serious thunderstorm rolling through at the moment, and I am finding it difficult to sleep. I might as well post a few low quality, camera phone pictures of my works in progress this week. Most of which seem to have taken on a dream like quality that I really dig.


What a week it has been hanging out at my parent’s house. The week really has flown by. However, I’ve managed to get a little work done. Funnily enough, the first painting I completed was confiscated. My mother is right though, this one really does look good on her mantle.

Lazy Days of Summer

I am hanging out at my parent’s all this week. Yay for summer vacations! My mother is getting all the grandbaby time she can handle. Which is awesome for me! I get to catch up with some old friends and get some paint time in. The only bad thing is that my folks live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, which in itself is awesome, but makes internet usage almost impossible. I’m am surviving basically on my iphone. Don’t worry I have enough apps to keep things in business. Blogging is a bit primitive but totally possible.

Here are a few pics of what I worked on today. All works in progress mind you.


There is an art, or rather a knack to flying.  The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

~Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Oh how true that is Mr Adams!  It seems lately I am on the cusp of something.  I feel it nagging and whispering at me.  I try to pay attention to what it is saying and more often than not, I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants.  Right now my thoughts are so scattered.  Trying to get a creative business of the ground and keep my family grounded is confusing.  I am not sure what way is up these days.  I am mostly sure it is the lack of sleep causing it…..mostly.  I jut pray I don’t fly right into the light pole while trying to take off!! What is going on in the Land of Wenderflonia?…… TIME is fleeting!  Where is it going?!?  In order to get any blogging done, paintings painted or photos edited I have to stay up until 2am.  Now that Baby J is sleeping through the night I really should be taking advantage of the sleep time but It’s too delectable to have me time for a few hours. In other news, I had a few wonderful commission opportunities this past month.  One has been mailed off and was well received, one was personally delivered yesterday and the other needs to get it’s self in the mail asap.  I will be getting pictures up soon. YAY for working.  I really am digging the new style that is developing  because of it.