Wednesday Wednesday

Well that last post was certainly depressing!  Man am I rapid cycling these days.  Today, I had these grand thoughts about unplugging and spring cleaning to clear away the cobwebs.  Totally excited and pumped to get started!   I even turned the computer off. Then this happened …


One more cup of coffee…check email on iphone…something needed attention on the blog… turned computer back on… decided to blog about it… well crap… cycle repeats…about to turn computer off… wait, cant post a blog without a picture!  Wanna see the result of painting the shelves in the studio? Well of course you do.








It is a space that feels really good.  Therefore, mission accomplished!  There is still much to do.  Most importantly paint the walls.  Current color is NOT a good studio color but that is a job to tackle another day.  For the moment, it is a wonderful space to work in and we are happy artists.


Love and unplugging for realz this time,


Fresh Starts

What a glorious day!! So many fresh starts and changes in the air.

I have been working on something that I have wanted for so long.  My own studio (or shared studio space with the man of my dreams!) ….aaaaand I GOT IT!  I spent the day organizing that dream.  It is such a nice in-home space with doors that shut out the world and grabby toddler hands.  It was an amazing and  sometimes hard journey to get here.  When we first decided it was time to buy our first grown-up house we made a list of  a few must haves.  I won’t bore you with the long list of picky details, or how long we had to wait but will just say that we got it all and then some.  The best part being a studio space.  I guess in most people’s homes they would call it a downstairs study or office, but to us it is pure heaven with french doors.  I plan on doing a “before and after remodel” post so I won’t reveal too much of the awesome-ness now.  I just wanted to talk a little about what it means to me as an artist and stay at home mom.


First thing we had to do was come to terms with was the fact that it was time for Jude to start going to some sort of child care or Tuesday/Thursday school outside of the home.  The occasional play dates and library story times a few times a week weren’t cutting it.  There is only so much entertainment I can give a kid who needs a little socialization and time away from mommy.  I was already past desperate for some me time as well.  Realizing that I was pushing back the Wendy that wanted to create and paint for herself simply because it was too tiring to be her and the supermom/partner that my family needed me to be was hard to swallow.  It was time to let others into our life to help care for little guy.  We so lucked out with our small community’s local child care facility.  They are so kind and loving.  They also had the perfect spot for him to go two times a week that worked with my schedule. The best part for me is that they offer video monitoring.  I love this!! I can log on and see what my sweetness is doing all day.  It is hard for me to break the attachment and closeness we have shared over the last 2 years, so still being able to see that he is actually napping, eating, playing with other kids helps me feel connected.  He is still in the adjustment period and drop-offs are still hard but he seems to be adjusting well.


MEANWHILE!  I have been busy getting the space ready to be a wonderful place for creative goodness.  This is absolutely my dream come true.  I have so many plans for business opportunities to come.  Along with a fresh new physical creative space, Simon also put a new coat of paint on the old Wenderflonia website and it looks great.  He added a few new tabs such as the newest painting tab that has a sweet button that will send you straight to my shop to purchase.  Loving it!  A renewal of sorts is setting in.  I am feeling this!  What are you doing to see your dream come true?  This is what mine is looking like.

Love a real live artist,
