crazy town

It has been awhile since I’ve posted, and I’m impatient with the photos (all most excellent) taking forever to upload.  So I’m trying to think of a clever topic to broach or discuss.  Since it is against my religion to discuss politics and most would run me out of town anyway, I’ll keep silent.

There is a signature phrase that my mother always uses that keeps coming to mind.  “Things are crazy here.”, is what she says to every one she is sorry she hasn’t kept in better touch with.  It’s is always funny because it is true.  It seems that life never slows down for a minute (it would be kind of scary and apocalyptic if it did).  Well, that is what I feel like saying.  “Everything is crazy here” and I mean that with all my heart!  Sorry I haven’t kept in touch.  There are great pictures comming……eventually

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